New Year’s day is a very special one, celebrated all over the world.
As a result, various customs related to it have developed to this day. One such predominating, is the exchange of lucky charms between friends.
Such a lucky charm, may represent the fulfillment of the very best expectations for the new year, regarding the person that it is donated to. Its form may vary in accordance to the specific features of the receiver.
The luck qualities attributed to it, are usually happiness, health, love, success, prosperity, and whatever else matches best, to the friend that receives it.
The most commonlucky charm, is an ornament bearing the year’s numerical curving, for example 2023. It may be made by whatever material, such as wood, glass or ceramic, and it symbolizes all the qualities described above.
Moreover, concerning Greece, a pomegranate replica may be used for the same purpose, since it emphasizes health, joy, success, yet most of all on fertility, when donated to newly weds.
Another lucky charm, is the mati (evil eye), which apart from ensuring properties already mentioned, it simultaneously protects from malignant glares and jealousy.
Lately, one more lucky charm is widely used. It is the elephant, specifically symbolizing happiness and longevity. This is based on the Feng Shui influence, originating from the Far East.
Another such influence is the piglet. According to the Chinese, 2023 is the year of the Rabbit.
Finally, it should be noted that many people have the tendency to combine two or more of all the objects mentioned above. Thus, they plan that the donee might ensure with greater certainty the fulfillment of all his expectations.
Very similar to the evil eye, the good luck charm that is believed to protect its bearer from the envy and harmful intent of others, is the red chili pepper.
As we watch the Evzones of the Greek presidential guard, we admire their imposing appearance. A very impressive element of their uniform is undoubtedly their unique footwear named tsarouhi, which may be termed even more simply as a shoe. However It is interesting to see how this tsarouhi shoe evolved into being a part of …
We had the pleasure to visit the exhibition “ Buddha’s life, Path to the present” in De Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. We admired the art of thousands years old combined with contemporary art by the controversial artists Ai Weiwei and Yoko Ono. Uncertainty surrounds the exact year of the birth of prince Siddharta Gautama, later …
Mother-of-pearl is the hard internal layer of several kinds of shells which serve as the external protective shield of various mollusks. This material, also known as nacre, is made up by an organic-inorganic composition. It has a nature similar to that of porcelain, with an iridescent white or, off-white hue. It is simultaneously strong and …
New Year’s Lucky Charm
New Year’s day is a very special one, celebrated all over the world.
As a result, various customs related to it have developed to this day. One such predominating, is the exchange of lucky charms between friends.
Such a lucky charm, may represent the fulfillment of the very best expectations for the new year, regarding the person that it is donated to. Its form may vary in accordance to the specific features of the receiver.
The luck qualities attributed to it, are usually happiness, health, love, success, prosperity, and whatever else matches best, to the friend that receives it.
The most common lucky charm, is an ornament bearing the year’s numerical curving, for example 2023. It may be made by whatever material, such as wood, glass or ceramic, and it symbolizes all the qualities described above.
Moreover, concerning Greece, a pomegranate replica may be used for the same purpose, since it emphasizes health, joy, success, yet most of all on fertility, when donated to newly weds.
Another lucky charm, is the mati (evil eye), which apart from ensuring properties already mentioned, it simultaneously protects from malignant glares and jealousy.
Lately, one more lucky charm is widely used. It is the elephant, specifically symbolizing happiness and longevity. This is based on the Feng Shui influence, originating from the Far East.
Another such influence is the piglet. According to the Chinese, 2023 is the year of the Rabbit.
Finally, it should be noted that many people have the tendency to combine two or more of all the objects mentioned above. Thus, they plan that the donee might ensure with greater certainty the fulfillment of all his expectations.
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